Buzz about Total 200
Keep doing whatever you're doing. Works for me!
Al Navidi
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
FAQs: The Answers You Want

» What is the terrain of the route like?

» How much of the 200 kilometer route is shared with the 200 mile route?

» Does the 200 kilometer route go all the way to Point Lookout State Park?

» Is this an out and back route?

What is the terrain of the route like?

The route is gently rolling to flat overall. There are some small hills and rolling terrain but there are no long climbs to speak of. The total elevation is about 5,600 feet for the 200 mile route, and about 4,000 feet for the 200 kilometer route, both with a good number of challenging rollers in the last 25 miles, so save those legs! The biggest “climb,” if you can call it that, is near the start as you roll out and over Pennsylvania Avenue to the city line. More exact details will be published closer to the event date.


How much of the 200 kilometer route is shared with the 200 mile route?

The 200 kilometer route follows the 200 mile route except for a 20 mile portion when it cuts across to merge with the return route. This allows riders on both rides to share many miles of riding.


Does the 200 kilometer route go all the way to Point Lookout State Park?

No, not unless you missed your turn! Point Lookout is the furthest point on the route so only the 200 mile riders get to have lunch there. A new lunch spot will be offered for the 200 kilometer route.


Is this an out and back route?

No, not any more! The first 6 years of the ride we used the same route going out, turned around and came back the same way. We will now have a loop course and come back a different way.